I’d have you take to get results if you were a client of mine![/text_block]

BUT still looking for HELP???
What Urged You To Get A Health Coach?
Do you feel finding a coach will be the best way to help with support, accountability, and applying a sustainable approach for your health?
If So, then…

On the call, we will review in detail your current situation covering your health, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle. We will make sure that not only can I help you reach your goals, but also make sure it’s a good fit for both of us.
My best clients show up Coachable Ready to Listen, Committed to Their Goals, Decisive to Take Action, and Resourceful to make sure nothing stands in their way to reach them.
There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re Interested in doing something – you do it only when circumstance permits. When you’re Committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. Please ONLY get on a call with me if you are Committed to your own Results!
Phone calls generally last between 15-25 mins and longer if we decide it’s a good fit. If we decide it isn’t a good fit then I’ll point you in a better direction to get the help you need. Either way, you’ll get a lot of value from our call.
**If you’ll need to discuss this program with a spouse or partner, Please invite them on the call with you so they fully understand what our work will be together.[/text_block]

Momentum is a very interactive communication driven program using the SANE Approach to get you out of the rut you are stuck in and experiencing the results you deserve.

Momentum has two different time commitments offered.
12 Weeks or 24 Weeks

Client support is a very engaging and interactive experience including in the health and fitness lifestyle coaching you’ll get in Momentum. Weekly calls, access via text message, and a client website that guides you through a step-by-step process to have the results you want.
In Momentum, we are looking for commitments from you to reach your goals. The more committed you show up, the more powerful the follow-through, the more impact we are able to have in your life. I’ll be there to help implement your commitments for yourself and ask questions to guide you in the best directions.
Learn how to approach nutrition without fad diets or old myths that have been passed around for too long. The process around learning how to eat and what foods will work best for you to reach your goals are built around your lifestyle. We will talk at length about how to incorporate what is going to deliver the results you want.
Exercise is built around progression and overload. We will access your current fitness level and develop a plan that is appropriate for you to follow and progress to better fitness levels while redefining your body.[/text_block]

I’ve been active from a young age in high school starting with Track & Field. From there, I pursued running into my college years. Running has taken me on many adventures through multiple marathons, and even into racing Olympic distance triathlons.
I was fortunate to graduate in 2005 with an Exercise Science and Nutrition degree. One reason I choose this profession is that I absolutely love working with people to help transform their bodies. Blending both exercise and diet is proven to be the best strategy to change our bodies especially when applied in an individualized approach.
My career started out the first 6 years in a traditional gym as a personal trainer. I had the fortune of working with hundreds of everyday people who manage busy schedules, families, careers to help them better understand how to balance exercise, nutrition, and well-being.
After my time as a personal trainer and nutrition expert, I decided to open up my own gym. I owned and operated 2 CrossFit gyms in which I worked with thousands of clients through 5+ years. At this point, I was really able to develop a high level of coaching my clients. If I had a claim to fame, it would be taking Betsy Finley to the CrossFit Games in which she became a CrossFit World Champion.
Since selling off my gyms, I’ve chosen to focus my coaching abilities on helping others understand nutrition, fitness, and overall health to better their lives. I’ve helped thousands of people throughout the years by sharpening my skill sets and capacities to help you meet your weight loss goals.
It’s finally time to get the help you deserve from a seasoned professional that’s done the work to create high value and impact in my clients world. I now live to serve my clients to the best of my abilities and allow them to reach the goals they’ve wanted for themselves.
Outside of serving my clients, I have a wife of almost 20 years and we take care of our 4 children – so I know what busy is! We love to travel and have out sights set on visiting all 50 states and beyond. We’ve knocked out 41 so far.

Let’s Talk!!!
Text me at 330-701-1302
To Set Up A Free Body Breakthrough Conversation.

QuaranLEAN: 12 Weeks, 26 Pounds, 16 Inches

When we come out of quarantine, none of my pants will fit – in the BEST way! I did NOT take supplements or get hormone shots. I did NOT starve or deprive myself. I DID work hard and eat clean. I DID work out (almost) every day, most days twice. I DID enjoy wine with friends, eat cake at weddings, and explore good restaurants. I DID learn a lot, about fitness, nutrition, and most importantly, myself. If that resonates with you, here’s my story.
2019 was the ride of my life.
In January, my husband came home from what would be the last of 3 long military deployments. In February, I got promoted to a role I had dreamed of for years that would take me back home to Denver. In March, we celebrated by traveling France and Spain. In April, we sold our house and it was wheels up to Colorado in May. We spent the remainder of the year falling back in love with a city we once knew very well, but looked completely different now. Our high-rise downtown apartment gave us easy access to good food, fun, and friends…and we had a lot of all 3…especially food. Weekends would start with brunch and end with 2AM tacos. We explored and experimented and enjoyed every second of it.
My promotion was exactly the exciting challenge I had been craving. I traveled 2 or 3 times a month to beautiful cities across 3 time zones. I began a love affair with Uber Eats and frequented the sometimes disparate airport dining options. Each time I visited a city in my territory, it was customary to take the team to dinner…a big dinner. The kind of dinners that are so good they leave you sitting back in your chair, smiling to yourself in gratitude while you let the inevitable food coma overcome you.
It. Was. So. Fun.
But, as they say, the body keeps the score. Running on Starbucks and takeout eventually takes it’s toll. I stopped recognizing the girl I saw in the mirror. I walked with my head down, no longer confident in my outfits. I became more shy and less inclined to meet new people. When my sweet husband would compliment me – “You’re beautiful” “You’re perfect” “I love your look” – I stopped believing him.
As I saw my body changing I tried to take back control. I woke up every morning at 4:45AM and worked out – HARD! I started ordering (what I perceived to be) healthy options at restaurants. I anxiously waited for results that never came. I anguished as the scale continued to move in the wrong direction.
I wasn’t getting anywhere on my own. I needed help.
New Years Eve I pulled a beaded dress out of the closet that had served me well through many a Roaring 20′s party. Just as we prepared to step out the door, the side seam ripped. I had remembered this dress fitting well, a little loose, even. Not anymore.
And that’s when I decided – not anymore.
I got Brian Parana’s name from a friend at work. She had worked with him and sang his praises. I had seen firsthand that whatever it was that he did, it worked. He was a coach who could help me get my body back and change my life, or so the website said. One call with Brian and I was in. I made an investment in myself and, more importantly, a promise, that I would not fail.
Brian’s program is smart. He works 100% remote with people across the country. It is habit focused and flexible. “Plan, Prepare, Act” is the motto. He helps you understand what you’re putting in your body and how it impacts your results. Working with Brian made me realize why I never achieved results on my own. Those “healthy” choices I was ordering from airport restaurants and delivery drivers were calorie bombs in disguise. I started counting macros. I structured my meals differently. I tried new exercise regimens. I created strategies to help me navigate the constant travel and approach team dinners with restraint. At first, it was hard. I made mistakes. I made excuses. And Brian gave me the tough love and constructive feedback I needed to push through them. Eventually, it became normal – EASY, even.
My progress was not linear, but it was incredible. I started feeling better in my clothes. I had more energy and confidence. I got stronger. I felt in control. I felt closer to my husband. My clothes started getting baggy and I even had to order new sweat pants and workout gear.
I have not yet reached my goal, and this is not a program that you “end”. What I gained from working with Brian was so much more than I bargained for. I renewed my sense of self. I changed my habits, for good. I gained an education and understanding of nutrition that even a whole course in college had not given me. For the first time in a long time I look forward to my 30th birthday with excitement about where my body will be, instead of fear.
Asking for help is not weakness, it is strength. Maybe you have always been the “helper” and self-reliance is all you have ever known. Maybe the balance of give and take has always been disproportionate in your life. Whatever your story, take it back and write the next chapter. You won’t regret it.

Watch Steve share how he managed to drop over 40 lbs despite traveling for work most days of the week and how he learned to manage his health along the way!

Watch Jackie share how she went from starving herself to actually eating more food to burn body fat and boost her metabolism!

Listen in to a live coaching call with Chris on how our fitness lifestyle coaching has changed not only his body, & nutrition but in his life too!!!

Listen in to hear how Dawn was able to drop nearly 40 pounds in our time working together!

Listen to Coach Brian Parana on the Wellistic Podcast!

We sit down to cover the topic with Brian Parana a lifestyle and health coach with over 18 years of expertise in the industry. We discuss everything from setting goals to having the mindset needed to succeed.
Part of the episode is dedicated to a lightning round questioning segment in which Brian provides clarity on a host of fitness questions. Such as weights before cardio or cardio before weights?
By the end of this episode, you will have insight into, not only how you can start off 2020, but also the rest of your life in the direction you choose![/text_block]

Let’s Talk!!!
Text me at 330-701-1302
To Set Up A Free Body Breakthrough Conversation.