Module 15
Understanding You And Food
Dieting Breaks
Discusses the importance of dieting breaks and the need to address the issues related to prolonged caloric deficits.
– Purpose and Duration of Dieting Breaks: Explains that a dieting break is a planned and purposeful pause from dieting, ranging from one day to two weeks. The aim is to address both psychological and physiological aspects of weight loss.
– Psychological Impact: Highlights the psychological stress of consistent dieting and the importance of taking breaks for long-term success. Mentions the need to balance instant satisfaction with a sustainable approach.
– Physiological Benefits: Discusses how diet breaks help reverse metabolic adaptation, replenish glycogen levels, and positively impact hormone levels. Recommends a controlled approach to increasing calories during the break.
– Frequency and Guidelines: Recommends a diet break every 4-6 weeks for individuals under 10% body fat, extending to 12-16 weeks for those between 15-25% body fat. Emphasizes the importance of adapting the frequency based on individual body fat percentages.
Food Addiction
– Key Takeaways:
1. Understanding what food addiction is and its impact on long-term success in health.
2. The influence of processed junk food on the brain’s reward centers and its addictive nature.
3. Identifying symptoms of food addiction, such as cravings, overindulgence, and justifying unhealthy eating habits.
4. Exploring the concept of the law of addiction, comparing sugar to addictive substances, and the challenge of quitting cold turkey.
5. Practical tips for overcoming food addiction, including identifying trigger foods, planning meals, seeking professional help, and building a supportive community.
How To Survive The Holiday Season
– Intermittent Fasting or Eating Breakfast: Choose a consistent approach based on your lifestyle.
– Regular Meals: Opt for protein and veggie-rich meals to sustain yourself throughout the day.
– No Waiting for Resolutions: Don’t delay progress – seize every meal and day for positive changes.
– Prioritize Fitness: Schedule and execute intense workouts for a caloric deficit during busy times.
– Plan B for Workouts: Have a backup plan, like a quick session of squats, push-ups, and sit-ups.
– Holiday Eating Strategies: Focus on lean proteins and veggies, eat slowly, and drink water before meals.
– Alcohol Awareness: Be mindful of alcohol’s impact on calories and nutrient prioritization.
– Digestive Enzymes and Supplements: Consider supplements like fenugreek for digestion support.
– Socializing as Distraction: Engage socially to divert from overindulging. Avoid negative influences.
– Manage Stress: Relax, rest, and ensure sufficient sleep for long-term lifestyle changes.
These concise tips aim to help you maintain health and fitness goals during the holidays. Feel free to seek personalized guidance if needed.
Holiday Survival Guide PDF
Creating Space For The Most Important Person
– Importance of sharing authentic self with the world
– Creating space is crucial for overall success in fitness, nutrition, and life
– Analogy of the airplane oxygen mask: prioritize self-care to be able to help others
– Examples of creating space: exercise, meditation, journaling, power hour in the morning