Breakthrough Call ApplicationBreakthrough Call Application Name First Last Last Phone number to call Best Email (please use the same as you gave for the appointment booking) How Did You Hear About This Program? Facebook Group Facebook Ad Referral Other How much weight do you need to lose to feel confident in your body again? * What sorts of other programs have you tried and not had success with in the past? Additionally, How long have you been trying to find a solution to your health/weight issues? What do you feel is your biggest obstacle to hitting your goals? Do you have a supportive significant other in your life when it comes to your health and have you shared with them any of the info you’ve filled in here recently? Why is now the time to start taking care of yourself? (please elaborate here about your current situation and share what’s in your heart) RIGHT NOW, Do you want to… Stay Miserable where you are 🙁 Get more info :/ Finally get the body of your dreams and have the confidence to go with it! If you already had the body of your dreams, what crazy fun things would you be doing with your life right now? Think of vacations/unbelievable activities/career moves/close relationships I will call you at the time you chose. Please commit to your appointment by typing “Yes”. (*I personally block out 90 mins for our call so I can have complete focus for our conversation.) Lastly, on the Breakthrough call we will uncover where you are at now, where you want to be and you’ll walk away with a deep understanding of where you are feeling stuck and what to do about it. (This will be a powerful 45 min conversation you’ll have that focuses on your health.) SubmitΔ