High Performance Journal

Article 1:
The Entrepreneur's Guide to a Morning Ritual: Elevate Focus and Burn Fat

Are you an entrepreneur constantly seeking to maximize productivity, sharpen your focus, and prioritize health, all while embarking on a weight loss journey? If so, you’ve landed in the right place. With 20 years of experience as a health and nutrition coach, I’m here to blend two worlds that will take you to new heights: the art of productivity hacks specially tailored for entrepreneurs and the creation of a comprehensive morning ritual designed to optimize not only your performance and well-being but also your weight loss goals. 


The Unparalleled Influence of a Well-Structured Morning Ritual


Entrepreneurs, perhaps more than any other group, understand the power of routines and rituals. A well-structured morning ritual, when designed with intent, has the potential to set the tone for the entire day, significantly impacting your mindset, productivity, and overall health. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into an all-encompassing approach that seamlessly weaves together the wisdom of productivity and the insights of a morning ritual that is perfectly attuned to your weight loss goals. 


  1. Unlock the Morning Ritual for Entrepreneurs


For entrepreneurs, the morning ritual is not just a mere routine but a potential game-changer. It can comprise mindfulness or meditation, exercise, and a wholesome breakfast. A well-designed morning ritual not only ensures a positive start to your day but also dovetails smoothly with your weight loss journey, creating a holistic approach to your daily life.


  1. The Art of Mindful Time Management


For any entrepreneur, the realm of productivity and time management is a vital arena. The Pomodoro Technique, widely embraced by entrepreneurs, involves focused work intervals punctuated by short breaks. This approach not only mitigates burnout but also significantly enhances your concentration, eliminating time-wasting activities from your schedule. To further augment your time management, consider incorporating time tracking apps, which are invaluable tools for reclaiming those precious hours that are often squandered.


  1. A Clutter-Free Space: Your Path to Peak Performance


An organized and clutter-free workspace is the birthplace of creativity, focus, and productivity. Eliminating distractions and creating an environment that promotes deep concentration is not only a productivity hack but also the first step to ensuring a clutter-free mind.


  1. The Healthy Entrepreneur Lifestyle


For entrepreneurs, the journey to success is deeply intertwined with their physical and mental health. Regular exercise not only enhances your physical well-being but also sharpens your cognitive function. Incorporating morning workouts into your routine can be the catalyst for a revved-up metabolism and a healthy start to your day. Additionally, fueling your body with a balanced breakfast becomes not just an option but a necessity for weight loss. A wholesome breakfast stabilizes your energy levels, keeps hunger at bay, and positions you for a day of success.


  1. Mindfulness and Stress Mastery


Entrepreneurship often comes hand-in-hand with high-stress levels. Mindfulness and stress management techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, not only enhance your resilience but also deter emotional eating, snacking, and the inevitable weight gain that can accompany stressful days.


  1. The Art of Delegation: A Productivity Hack


Entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of taking on too much themselves. Delegation is a powerful skill that, when mastered, can elevate your productivity to new heights. Entrusting tasks to others allows you to focus on high-priority endeavors, increasing efficiency and reducing stress.


  1. Regular Breaks: A Savvy Strategy


Taking scheduled breaks is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move to prevent burnout. Short, intentional breaks provide the opportunity to recharge and refresh your mind, resulting in increased efficiency when you return to work.


  1. The Journey of Continuous Learning


Entrepreneurs are perpetual students, and their success often hinges on their commitment to lifelong learning. Invest in your personal and professional development through books, courses, and networking opportunities. Lifelong learning is your path to mastery, industry leadership, and unwavering confidence.


  1. Setting and Achieving Crystal-Clear Goals


Setting clear and attainable goals is the compass that guides your focus. Breaking down long-term objectives into manageable, actionable tasks not only fuels your motivation but also ensures you remain on the path to success.


  1. The Sleep Prescription


Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of quality sleep. Poor sleep quality can significantly sabotage your focus and cognitive function. Prioritize sleep and design a consistent sleep schedule to wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.


But how does this connect with your weight loss journey? Let’s delve deeper into a holistic morning ritual designed by myself – Coach Brian, a specialist in fat loss and body composition.


The Morning Ritual: A Catalyst for Weight Loss


A morning ritual is not solely the domain of entrepreneurs; it’s also a potent tool for weight loss. By weaving the entrepreneur’s morning routine with a weight loss perspective, you can commence your day in the most promising way.


  1. Commence with Mindfulness


Inaugurate your day with mindfulness or meditation. Center yourself, cultivate a positive mindset, and navigate stress. These conscious choices ripple into your food and exercise decisions throughout the day.


  1. Ignite the Day with Movement


Incorporate morning movement, such as stretching or a brief yoga session, into your ritual. This awakens your body, jumpstarts your blood circulation, and lays the foundation for consistent exercise habits.


  1. Meal Prep and Mindful Eating


Utilize this time to plan meals and snacks. Meal prepping guarantees a stash of healthy options, promoting portion control and intentional choices. It’s also your ticket to a balanced breakfast, an essential element for sustained energy and hunger management.


  1. Hydration: Your Morning Elixir


Morning hydration is paramount for well-being and weight loss. Drinking water upon waking hydrates your body after sleep and triggers your metabolism. Adding lemon or apple cider vinegar further aids digestion and detoxification.


  1. A Personal Growth Affair


Allocate time for personal growth and development. Whether it’s reading an inspiring book, tuning in to a motivating podcast, or journaling your goals, these practices infuse your day with positivity. Prioritizing self-improvement aligns your choices with your weight loss goals.

Putting It Into Action…

By incorporating these weight loss-focused steps into your morning ritual, you gain the blueprint for balanced energy, unparalleled productivity, and holistic health. This fusion of productivity hacks and fitness insights is your roadmap to conquer both your entrepreneurial dreams and your weight loss aspirations.


Your journey toward peak performance, health, and weight loss begins with the dawn of each day. Reimagine your morning ritual, and watch as your focus, vitality, and well-being ascend to new pinnacles. The path to being a successful entrepreneur and a healthier, fitter version of yourself starts with this morning ritual. 


Are you ready to embrace this transformation? 

The choice is yours, and the results are boundless. 

The morning ritual is where it all begins.


These steps will help you to create a morning ritual for weight loss and give you the power to be as productive as possible for the rest of your day.

Hey, I’m Coach Brian!

I specialize in fat loss, body composition, and conditioning and have over 20 years of experience as a coach in the health and fitness industry. No gimmicks and fads, just results based on science and thousands of hours of experience. 

You deserve high-level support, which is why I’m willing to hop on a quick, 15-min Reality Check Call with you. On this call, we’ll evaluate the EXACT cause of your weight plateau, and I will give you a very specific, personalised plan for you to implement straight away to help you lose weight and recover or optimise your sexual performance as well.

Article 2:
Why Online Health Coaching Is Highly Effective - 7 Proven Benefits

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward a healthier, more vibrant you? 

If your health and wellness goals include losing weight, improving your fitness, or making significant lifestyle changes, an online health coach might be your ideal partner in achieving those objectives. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top benefits of working with an online health coach, blending the insights of a seasoned copywriting veteran with the wisdom of Coach Brian, an expert in the health and fitness industry with over 20 years of experience.


  1. Personal Approach & Accountability


Online health coaching offers a highly personalized approach to your wellness journey. Your health coach will work closely with you to design a program tailored to your unique needs, whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving overall health. The availability of an online coach around the clock ensures you receive the support and accountability you need to stay motivated and on track.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Your online health coach can craft a program that considers your current fitness level, dietary preferences, and any health concerns you may have. This personalized approach is a game-changer in your path to wellness.”


  1. Education


In addition to personalized guidance, an online health coach provides valuable educational resources. They help you understand the science behind health and wellness, covering topics such as nutrition, exercise, and mindset. This knowledge empowers you to develop sustainable habits that not only help you reach your goals but also maintain your progress over the long term.


Coach Brian’s insight: “The knowledge you gain through your online health coach is a priceless asset. Understanding the ‘why’ behind your actions can lead to meaningful and lasting change.”


  1. In Your Corner Support


Facing obstacles and plateaus during your journey is common, but your online health coach is there to help you overcome them. They provide guidance and support, offering alternative strategies to keep you motivated and moving forward. With their expertise, they can help you break through barriers and achieve results you might not have thought possible.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Think of your online health coach as a constant source of motivation and a fresh perspective. They can help you push through challenges you might have found insurmountable on your own.”


  1. Convenience and Flexibility


Online health coaching is designed with your convenience in mind. You can access your coach from the comfort of your home and on your schedule. This flexibility ensures that you can seamlessly integrate healthier habits into your daily routine.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Online health coaching provides the flexibility to fit your wellness journey into your busy schedule. You no longer have to rush to physical appointments or deal with scheduling conflicts.”


  1. Access to a Community with Like-Minded People


When you work with an online health coach, you’re not alone on your journey. Your coach can connect you with a community of like-minded individuals who are on similar paths to better health. This sense of community can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Being part of a supportive community can make a world of difference in your journey. Sharing experiences, tips, and achievements with others can be incredibly motivating.”


  1. Progress with the Right Route


Your online health coach not only guides you to reach your initial goals but also equips you with the tools and strategies to maintain your progress in the long term. Transitioning from weight loss to weight maintenance is a crucial phase that ensures your hard work pays off over time.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Think of your online health coach as your long-term partner in maintaining your success. They provide the expertise and guidance needed to prevent weight regain and secure lasting results.”


  1. Lifetime Education


In the world of health and wellness, continuous learning is key. Your online health coach doesn’t have to be a lifelong commitment. As you reach your desired goals, the knowledge you’ve gained empowers you to continue progressing independently and maintain your achievements.


Coach Brian’s insight: “The goal is not just to reach a certain weight but to learn how to maintain it. With the knowledge you’ve acquired, you can continue your journey independently.”




Working with an online health coach offers a multitude of benefits, from personalized guidance and education to convenience, support, and long-term success. If you’re ready to prioritize your health and wellness, consider the power of online health coaching to transform your life.


Coach Brian’s insight: “Online health coaching isn’t just a short-term fix; it’s a lifelong investment in your well-being. Embrace the support and knowledge it offers, and watch your life transform for the better.”

Article 3:
Family Matters! Building Stronger Bonds With Your Children To Live Healthy Lifestyles

In today’s fast-paced world, the emotional, physical, nutritionally well-being of our children is more critical than ever. As a parent, you play a pivotal role in shaping your child’s emotional health. By adopting certain practices, you can give your children the tools they need to thrive emotionally and mentally. Here are seven essential habits to help you nurture emotionally healthy kids.


  1. Cultivate a Healthy Marriage and a Healthy You


It’s often said that emotionally healthy children come from healthy families. While there are exceptions, a stable and nurturing family environment is vital for your child’s well-being. Your own emotional health and the strength of your marriage are foundational to this.


If your marriage is facing challenges, consider seeking counseling to work through them. Likewise, if you’re grappling with mental health issues, seek help, not just for your sake but for the well-being of your child. Remember, you can’t model emotional health for your child if you’re not emotionally healthy yourself.


  1. Stay Informed and Monitor Your Child’s Exposure


In today’s digital age, staying informed about what your child is exposed to is paramount. Be proactive in understanding the challenges they face in the world, including video games, social media, bullying, and societal behaviors. This knowledge allows you to provide guidance and support effectively.


You may not be able to protect your child from everything, but by staying informed, you can help them navigate the complexities of the world they’re growing up in.


  1. Attend to Their Hearts, Not Just Their Behavior


Addressing your child’s wrong behavior is essential, but it’s equally crucial to understand why they acted the way they did. Sometimes, misbehavior arises from underlying emotions or insecurities.


For instance, if your child acts out due to feelings of jealousy or intimidation, don’t just discipline them. Engage in a conversation to help them recognize and understand their emotions. Teach them how to manage negative feelings constructively and how acting on jealousy can impact their own well-being.


  1. Give Them Responsibilities and Set Rules


Research shows that children who have chores tend to fare better later in life. Chores teach responsibility, independence, and important life skills. Implement a chore system in your home and reward your child for their efforts.


Setting rules and providing consequences also helps children understand boundaries and responsibilities, promoting emotional growth and a sense of accountability.


  1. Create an Open and Honest Environment


To encourage transparency and open communication with your child, model these traits yourself. Ask them about their day, share your experiences, and involve them in your life decisions. Show them that you value their thoughts and emotions.


By being open, honest, and having integrity, you set an example of what a healthy person looks like, which your child can learn from.


  1. Encourage Outdoor Activities and Exercise


In a world filled with digital distractions, it’s essential to get your child into nature and engage in regular physical activity. Encourage them to explore the real world and participate in outdoor activities.


While technology has its place, balancing screen time with outdoor experiences helps your child understand the importance of the real world over virtual ones.


Certainly, let’s delve into the importance of encouraging outdoor activities and exercise for raising emotionally healthy children in greater detail.


  1. Physical Health Benefits


Regular outdoor activities and exercise are crucial for a child’s physical health. Engaging in physical activities like running, climbing, and playing sports helps children develop strong muscles, bones, and cardiovascular systems. It also contributes to maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of childhood obesity, and promoting overall physical well-being.


  1. Mental Health Benefits


Outdoor activities and exercise have a profound impact on a child’s mental health. When children engage in physical play outside, their bodies release endorphins, which are often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins help reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive feelings, enhancing a child’s emotional well-being.


Spending time in nature has been linked to improved mood and reduced symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Nature can have a calming effect and helps children connect with their surroundings, promoting a sense of peace and tranquility.


  1. Social Interaction


Outdoor activities provide children with ample opportunities for social interaction and relationship-building. Whether they’re playing with siblings, friends, or other kids in the neighborhood, outdoor play fosters teamwork, communication, and the development of social skills. These interactions are valuable for a child’s emotional growth, teaching them to navigate relationships, resolve conflicts, and develop empathy.


  1. Encouraging a Lifelong Love for Nature


By exposing children to the great outdoors, you instill in them a deep appreciation for nature and the environment. This connection can lead to a lifelong love for the natural world and a sense of stewardship. Children who spend time outdoors are more likely to become environmentally conscious and advocate for the protection of our planet.


  1. Balancing Screen Time


In a world where screens are omnipresent, parents must help their children strike a balance between digital technology and real-world experiences. While technology has educational and entertainment value, it should not replace the benefits of outdoor play and physical activity. Setting clear limits on screen time and encouraging outdoor playtime is essential for a child’s holistic development.


  1. Family Bonding


Engaging in outdoor activities as a family can create lasting memories and strengthen the family bond. Whether it’s hiking, camping, biking, or simply going for a walk in the park, these activities provide quality time for parents and children to connect, communicate, and share experiences. This bonding helps build emotional connections and fosters trust between parents and children.


  1. Lifelong Habits


Encouraging outdoor activities and exercise from a young age can establish healthy habits that extend into adulthood. Children who grow up valuing physical activity are more likely to carry these habits with them throughout their lives, ensuring a healthier and happier future.


Encouraging outdoor activities and exercise is a vital component of raising emotionally healthy children. It contributes to physical well-being, mental health, social development, and a lifelong love for nature. Parents play a crucial role in fostering these habits and ensuring their children experience the numerous benefits that come from spending time outdoors and engaging in physical play.

  1. Emphasize the Importance of Eating Healthy


**A child’s physical health is profoundly affected by their diet. Proper nutrition is essential for their growth and development. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein, not only fuels their physical well-being but also significantly impacts their emotional health. Here’s why emphasizing the importance of eating healthy is crucial:**


**A. Nutrient-Rich Diet:** Encourage your child to consume a variety of foods that provide a wide range of nutrients. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. These foods offer essential vitamins and minerals that support physical growth and bolster the immune system.


**B. Stable Blood Sugar:** A healthy diet helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Fluctuating blood sugar can lead to mood swings, irritability, and even symptoms resembling anxiety or depression. By providing your child with balanced meals and snacks, you can help them maintain consistent energy levels and a stable mood.


**C. Cognitive Function:** Nutrient-rich foods play a crucial role in brain development and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and certain seeds, are particularly beneficial for cognitive health. They support memory, concentration, and emotional stability.


**D. Emotional Resilience:** Proper nutrition supports emotional resilience. When a child’s body receives the necessary nutrients, it’s better equipped to handle stress and emotional challenges. Good nutrition promotes emotional stability and a greater ability to cope with life’s ups and downs.


**E. Positive Habits:** Teaching your child about healthy eating sets a foundation for a lifetime of good habits. They’ll learn to appreciate the value of nutritious food and understand how it contributes to their overall well-being.


**F. Mealtime Bonding:** Sharing healthy meals as a family is an excellent opportunity for bonding and open communication. It’s a chance to discuss the importance of healthy eating and to model positive behavior.


Emphasizing the importance of eating healthy is not just about physical health; it’s also about nurturing your child’s emotional well-being. A nutritious diet provides the foundation for stable moods, cognitive growth, and emotional resilience. By teaching your child the value of healthy eating, you’re equipping them with a vital tool for thriving both physically and emotionally. As a parent, you have the power to influence your child’s overall well-being positively in every aspect of their lives, and good nutrition is a crucial piece of that puzzle.

  1. Admit When You’re Wrong and Apologize


Teaching your child to manage their emotions and admit when they’re wrong begins with you. When you make a mistake or act inappropriately, apologize to your child. This not only shows them that it’s okay to be imperfect but also instills the value of humility.


Humility is a critical characteristic that helps children develop gratitude, accept imperfection, and prioritize others over themselves. By modeling humility, you can raise children who are joyful, content, and focused on caring for others.




Raising emotionally healthy children requires dedication and effort, but the rewards are immeasurable. By implementing these seven key habits, you’ll create an environment where your child can thrive emotionally and mentally. Embrace your role as a parent, and remember that you have the power to influence your child’s emotional well-being positively.

Article 4:
Breakfast Meal Prep Strategies for Busy Business Professionals

Achieving a healthy weight or losing body fat in a tight schedule demands consistent effort, discipline, and a balanced diet. For busy business professionals, ensuring a nutritious breakfast without spending too much time in the kitchen is a game-changer. In this article, we’ll guide you through breakfast meal prep strategies tailored for men looking to shed body fat. We’ll provide more examples and easy-to-follow recipes to make your life easier.


Quick and Easy Prep Strategies for Busy Mornings


For many business professionals, busy mornings can be a significant challenge. Cooking a nutritious breakfast while rushing to work can seem overwhelming. That’s where meal prepping becomes invaluable. It not only saves you time but also ensures you have a healthy breakfast ready to kickstart your day.


👉Example 1: Imagine you have a 7 a.m. meeting and limited time. You could prepare a week’s worth of overnight oats in advance. This way, you have a quick and nutritious breakfast that only requires a few seconds in the morning to grab and go.


The first step in meal prep is planning. Decide what you’re going to eat for the entire week and shop accordingly. Take some time to browse through different recipes and choose a variety of options to keep your breakfasts interesting. Consider incorporating a mix of protein, whole grains, and fruits to ensure a well-balanced meal. By planning ahead, you can create a grocery list that covers all the necessary ingredients, making your shopping trip more efficient and stress-free.


👉Example 2: Plan to make a batch of egg muffin cups on Sunday, which you can portion and refrigerate for the entire week. This way, you have a high-protein breakfast that’s ready to heat and eat every morning.


While breakfast meal prep is your main focus, it’s important to consider portion sizes. Measure out the appropriate serving sizes for each meal to ensure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients. This will help you avoid overeating or under-eating, and it also makes it easier to grab and go in the morning.


Meal prepping not only saves you time and stress in the morning but also allows you to make healthier choices. By having nutritious breakfast options readily available, you’re less likely to grab unhealthy alternatives on your way to work. Start incorporating meal prep into your routine and experience the benefits of a well-planned breakfast that fuels your body and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Targeted Meals to Fuel Your Day for Fat Loss

When it comes to achieving your weight loss goals, what you eat for breakfast can make a significant impact on your energy levels, metabolism, and overall progress. A balanced breakfast is like a strong foundation for your day, setting the tone for healthy choices and optimal nutrition.


👉Example 3: Let’s say you’re a business professional with a packed morning schedule. Opt for Greek yogurt parfait as a quick and high-protein breakfast option. You can prepare these in advance, layering Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of nuts. It’s a balanced meal that keeps you full and focused.


So, what exactly should you include in your breakfast to fuel your day for fat loss and improve your fitness mindset? It’s essential to focus on food groups that not only keep you satiated but also provide the necessary fuel without adding unnecessary calories.


👉Example 4: Consider adding smoked salmon on whole grain toast to your meal prep routine. It’s a protein-rich, low-carb option that’s not only delicious but also provides essential nutrients for your fat-burning processes.


By making thoughtful choices and incorporating these protein-rich options into your breakfast routine, you can set yourself up for success in your fat loss journey. So, start your day off right and fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive!


Simple Ingredient Swaps to Cut Calories and Fat


The key to losing body fat is not about depriving yourself but about making smart choices. In your meal prep, you can easily replace high-calorie ingredients with lower ones without sacrificing taste. This can shave off some calories and help you achieve your weight loss goals more quickly.


👉Example 5: Instead of whole milk, opt for skim milk or almond milk in your morning coffee or smoothie. These lower-calorie alternatives still provide the creaminess you love without the extra fat.


Let’s delve into some more specific ingredient swaps that can make a big difference in your calorie and fat intake:


👉Example 6: Swap regular butter for a light butter spread or even try using mashed avocado as a healthier alternative for your morning toast.


Next, let’s talk about bread. Instead of reaching for white bread, which can be high in refined carbohydrates, choose whole grain bread. Whole grain bread is packed with fiber and nutrients, making it a more nutritious choice. Not only will this swap help you cut down on calories, but it will also keep you feeling fuller for longer.


👉Example 7: If you’re making a breakfast sandwich, opt for whole grain bread as the base. It’s a simple swap that adds more nutrients to your meal.


When it comes to protein, selecting lean cuts of meat is a great way to reduce fat intake. For example, opt for skinless chicken breast instead of chicken thighs, or choose lean cuts of beef like sirloin or tenderloin. If you’re following a vegetarian or vegan diet, consider incorporating plant-based protein sources like tofu, tempeh, or legumes into your meals.


👉Example 8: If you’re planning to make an omelet, consider using egg whites or egg substitutes to cut down on cholesterol and fat while still getting the protein you need.


So, the next time you’re planning your meals, take a moment to consider how you can make these simple ingredient swaps. Your taste buds and waistline will thank you!


High Protein Ideas to Help You Achieve Your Goals


Incorporating a high-protein breakfast in your meal prep can aid your body fat loss plan. Protein takes longer to digest, leading to prolonged feelings of fullness and reduced urge to snack. This can help control your total calorie intake during the day.


👉Example 9: If you’re looking for a high-protein breakfast that’s easy to prepare in advance, try making chia seed pudding. It’s rich in protein and provides a satisfying, energy-packed start to your day.


10 Low-Carb Breakfast Ideas for Busy Professionals


Low-carb breakfasts can become monotonous without variety. 

Here are ten low-carb breakfast ideas that you can incorporate into your meal prep schedule:


  1. Scrambled eggs with spinach and feta.
  2. Avocado and smoked salmon roll-ups.
  3. Chia almond pudding.
  4. Protein pancakes with almond butter.
  5. Coconut and berry smoothie.
  6. Lean turkey and vegetable omelet.
  7. Quinoa breakfast bowl.
  8. Chicken sausage and egg wrap.
  9. Yogurt with nuts and seeds.
  10. Green smoothie with protein powder.

How to Incorporate Healthy Fats into Your Meal Prep Menu


Contrary to common belief, not all fats are detrimental to health. Healthy fats are crucial for optimal brain function, hormone regulation, and absorption of certain vitamins. By incorporating sources of healthy fats in your breakfast, you can keep your hunger at bay and fuel your metabolism.


👉Example 10: Consider adding sliced avocado in your breakfast wraps or omelets. The healthy fats in avocado not only enhance the flavor but also contribute to a more satisfying meal.


Avocado, chia seeds


, flax seeds, nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon are excellent sources of healthy fats. You can include these in your breakfast in numerous ways, such as adding chia seeds to your smoothie, incorporating sliced avocado in your eggs, or sprinkling nuts over your Greek yogurt. Remember, while healthy fats are good for you, they are also high in calories, so moderation is key.


Easy-to-Follow Breakfast Meal Prep Recipes


Now that you have gathered an understanding of what to eat, how about some easy-to-follow breakfast recipes? Here are three easy-to-prep recipes that consist of all discussed components and are perfect for your weekly meal prep routine.


*1. Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds


Combine oats, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, and almond milk. Leave it in the fridge overnight. Top it with your favorite fruits and nuts in the morning.


*2. Egg Muffin Cups


Mix eggs, milk, spinach, bell peppers, and onions. Pour the mixture into a muffin tin and bake. You can store these and reheat throughout the week.


*3. Smoothie Packs


Portion out your favorite fruits, seeds, and protein powder into ziplock bags and freeze. When you’re ready, dump one pack into your blender, add a liquid of choice, and blend. Your healthy, protein-packed smoothie is ready.




In conclusion, achieving your desired body fat loss goals requires dedication and a balanced diet, and meal prepping for breakfast can be a powerful tool in your journey towards a healthier you. By adopting breakfast meal prep strategies tailored for busy business professionals, you can save time, reduce stress, and make healthier choices to kickstart your day.


Busy mornings are no longer an excuse for unhealthy eating when you plan your breakfast in advance. Start with careful planning, a well-thought-out grocery list, and a diverse selection of recipes to keep your breakfasts exciting. With the right ingredients and portion control, you can create a range of nutritious breakfast options that will set a positive tone for the rest of your day.


By taking these steps, you’ll be better equipped to maintain a healthy diet, lose body fat, and stay on top of your game as a busy business professional. Your health and well-being are worth the investment in time and effort. So, get started on your breakfast meal prep journey and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, more energized you.

Article 5:
Over 40 and Thriving: A Blueprint for Entrepreneurs' Peak Health

In the relentless hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to put your health on the back burner. The unrelenting demands of your career, family obligations, and financial responsibilities can easily overshadow your personal well-being. However, as a seasoned entrepreneur, you know that without good health and a strong mindset, all your ambitious goals might remain out of reach. So, let’s embark on a journey to prioritize your health and well-being. In this article, I’ll share my two-decade experience in copywriting with you, focusing on top-tier strategies to keep you in peak health, even as you conquer the entrepreneurial world beyond 40.


Are you prepared for a transformation that will supercharge your vitality, focus, and productivity? Buckle up – we’re about to dive into a world of wellness tailored just for you!


The Entrepreneurial Man’s Guide to a Long and Fulfilling Life


As men hit their 40s and beyond, their bodies undergo a series of changes. Weight management becomes a genuine challenge, and the risks of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes loom larger. The truth is, maintaining good health becomes paramount.


The choices we make now will significantly impact our longevity and success. Prioritizing your health isn’t a luxury; it’s an absolute necessity. Regular exercise is a cornerstone of maintaining good health as men age. It’s not just about staying fit but also about safeguarding your heart health. Whether you choose a brisk walk, an exhilarating bike ride, or a game of golf, staying active can profoundly influence your overall well-being.


In addition to exercise, a balanced diet is essential for promoting optimal health. As we age, our nutritional needs shift, and we must consume nutrient-rich foods that empower our bodies to function at their best. Think of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats as your allies in the quest for longevity.


To sum it up, maintaining good health is the key to unlocking your full potential as an entrepreneur. By consciously choosing regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, preventative care, nurturing social connections, and prioritizing quality sleep, you’re taking the steps needed to ensure a long and thriving life. Seize the reins of your health, and your later years will be a testament to your enduring vitality and vigor.


The Significance of a Healthy Lifestyle for Seasoned Entrepreneurs Over 40


A healthy lifestyle isn’t a singular concept; it’s a dynamic harmony of exercise, nutrition, stress management, and preventative care. Embracing these elements will profoundly enhance your overall well-being, paving the way for continued entrepreneurial success.


Regular physical activity isn’t just about staying lean; it’s your shield against a range of diseases and conditions. Aim for at least 150-200 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, encompassing ‘Zone 2’ cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.


Quality sleep is your secret weapon. Entrepreneurs over 40 should strive for 7-9 hours of restorative sleep per night. Adequate sleep restores and rejuvenates the body, supporting immune function, hormonal balance, and cognitive prowess.


Maximizing Well-Being in Middle Age


Middle age brings unique challenges like heightened stress levels and mounting responsibilities. In navigating these waters, safeguarding your mental health is as crucial as physical well-being. Meditation is a powerful tool to combat anxiety, fostering a sense of serenity and enabling positive change. Just a few minutes a day can lead to mindfulness, helping you better cope with life’s demands.


Physical exercise is a robust ally in middle age. Whether it’s yoga, running, or weightlifting, it keeps your body in top form and releases endorphins, nature’s mood boosters. Regular exercise translates to increased energy, heightened mental clarity, and a general sense of well-being.


Additionally, cultivating hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation is vital. Be it playing an instrument, painting, or nurturing a garden, these activities offer a creative outlet, providing respite from life’s daily pressures.


Top 4 Tips to Keep Your Health in Prime Condition


  1. Regular Exercise: Beyond weight management, exercise safeguards your heart health, lowers the risk of high blood pressure, and enhances your mood. Plus, it’s a game-changer in your quest for weight loss after 40.


  1. Eat a Balanced Diet: A well-rounded diet is your ticket to supporting your immune system, increasing energy levels, and managing your weight. Think fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.


  1. Take Care of Your Mental Health: Aging brings life transitions and increased responsibilities that can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine, seek social support, and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation.


  1. The Benefits of Preventative Care: Regular screenings and check-ups can catch potential health issues before they become major problems. Stay proactive with regular blood pressure checks, cholesterol screenings, and routine examinations for conditions relevant to your age.


In Conclusion


Entrepreneurs over 40, don’t underestimate the value of your health. By adopting a wholesome lifestyle, engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and nurturing your mental well-being, you’re primed for a long, fulfilling life.


Preventative care and routine check-ups play a pivotal role in early detection and intervention. By prioritizing your health, you’re not only enhancing your own life but setting an example for future generations.


Keep thriving,

Coach Brian


Whenever you’re ready, here are some ways I can help you achieve your weight loss and health goals:


– Interested in a private 12-week Momentum coaching program to lose 20 lbs and regain control of your health? Reply to this newsletter with ‘I’m ready,’ and I’ll get all the details to you. If you’re in a hurry, book a call here to speak with me.


– Check out my YouTube channel @coachbrianparana, where I’ve got over 140 videos designed to guide you in losing weight, improving your health and fitness, and cultivating a bulletproof mindset.”

Article 6:
Mastering the Art of Weight Loss: 40+ Edition

Are you an entrepreneur constantly seeking to maximize productivity, sharpen your focus, and prioritize health, all while embarking on a weight loss journey? If so, you’ve landed in the right place. With 20 years of experience as a health and nutrition coach, I’m here to blend two worlds that will take you to new heights: the art of productivity hacks specially tailored for entrepreneurs and the creation of a comprehensive morning ritual designed to optimize not only your performance and well-being but also your weight loss goals. 


The Unparalleled Influence of a Well-Structured Morning Ritual


Entrepreneurs, perhaps more than any other group, understand the power of routines and rituals. A well-structured morning ritual, when designed with intent, has the potential to set the tone for the entire day, significantly impacting your mindset, productivity, and overall health. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into an all-encompassing approach that seamlessly weaves together the wisdom of productivity and the insights of a morning ritual that is perfectly attuned to your weight loss goals. 


  1. Unlock the Morning Ritual for Entrepreneurs


For entrepreneurs, the morning ritual is not just a mere routine but a potential game-changer. It can comprise mindfulness or meditation, exercise, and a wholesome breakfast. A well-designed morning ritual not only ensures a positive start to your day but also dovetails smoothly with your weight loss journey, creating a holistic approach to your daily life.


  1. The Art of Mindful Time Management


For any entrepreneur, the realm of productivity and time management is a vital arena. The Pomodoro Technique, widely embraced by entrepreneurs, involves focused work intervals punctuated by short breaks. This approach not only mitigates burnout but also significantly enhances your concentration, eliminating time-wasting activities from your schedule. To further augment your time management, consider incorporating time tracking apps, which are invaluable tools for reclaiming those precious hours that are often squandered.


  1. A Clutter-Free Space: Your Path to Peak Performance


An organized and clutter-free workspace is the birthplace of creativity, focus, and productivity. Eliminating distractions and creating an environment that promotes deep concentration is not only a productivity hack but also the first step to ensuring a clutter-free mind.


  1. The Healthy Entrepreneur Lifestyle


For entrepreneurs, the journey to success is deeply intertwined with their physical and mental health. Regular exercise not only enhances your physical well-being but also sharpens your cognitive function. Incorporating morning workouts into your routine can be the catalyst for a revved-up metabolism and a healthy start to your day. Additionally, fueling your body with a balanced breakfast becomes not just an option but a necessity for weight loss. A wholesome breakfast stabilizes your energy levels, keeps hunger at bay, and positions you for a day of success.


  1. Mindfulness and Stress Mastery


Entrepreneurship often comes hand-in-hand with high-stress levels. Mindfulness and stress management techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, not only enhance your resilience but also deter emotional eating, snacking, and the inevitable weight gain that can accompany stressful days.


  1. The Art of Delegation: A Productivity Hack


Entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of taking on too much themselves. Delegation is a powerful skill that, when mastered, can elevate your productivity to new heights. Entrusting tasks to others allows you to focus on high-priority endeavors, increasing efficiency and reducing stress.


  1. Regular Breaks: A Savvy Strategy


Taking scheduled breaks is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move to prevent burnout. Short, intentional breaks provide the opportunity to recharge and refresh your mind, resulting in increased efficiency when you return to work.


  1. The Journey of Continuous Learning


Entrepreneurs are perpetual students, and their success often hinges on their commitment to lifelong learning. Invest in your personal and professional development through books, courses, and networking opportunities. Lifelong learning is your path to mastery, industry leadership, and unwavering confidence.


  1. Setting and Achieving Crystal-Clear Goals


Setting clear and attainable goals is the compass that guides your focus. Breaking down long-term objectives into manageable, actionable tasks not only fuels your motivation but also ensures you remain on the path to success.


  1. The Sleep Prescription


Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of quality sleep. Poor sleep quality can significantly sabotage your focus and cognitive function. Prioritize sleep and design a consistent sleep schedule to wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.


But how does this connect with your weight loss journey? Let’s delve deeper into a holistic morning ritual designed by myself – Coach Brian, a specialist in fat loss and body composition.


The Morning Ritual: A Catalyst for Weight Loss


A morning ritual is not solely the domain of entrepreneurs; it’s also a potent tool for weight loss. By weaving the entrepreneur’s morning routine with a weight loss perspective, you can commence your day in the most promising way.


  1. Commence with Mindfulness


Inaugurate your day with mindfulness or meditation. Center yourself, cultivate a positive mindset, and navigate stress. These conscious choices ripple into your food and exercise decisions throughout the day.


  1. Ignite the Day with Movement


Incorporate morning movement, such as stretching or a brief yoga session, into your ritual. This awakens your body, jumpstarts your blood circulation, and lays the foundation for consistent exercise habits.


  1. Meal Prep and Mindful Eating


Utilize this time to plan meals and snacks. Meal prepping guarantees a stash of healthy options, promoting portion control and intentional choices. It’s also your ticket to a balanced breakfast, an essential element for sustained energy and hunger management.


  1. Hydration: Your Morning Elixir


Morning hydration is paramount for well-being and weight loss. Drinking water upon waking hydrates your body after sleep and triggers your metabolism. Adding lemon or apple cider vinegar further aids digestion and detoxification.


  1. A Personal Growth Affair


Allocate time for personal growth and development. Whether it’s reading an inspiring book, tuning in to a motivating podcast, or journaling your goals, these practices infuse your day with positivity. Prioritizing self-improvement aligns your choices with your weight loss goals.

Putting It Into Action…

By incorporating these weight loss-focused steps into your morning ritual, you gain the blueprint for balanced energy, unparalleled productivity, and holistic health. This fusion of productivity hacks and fitness insights is your roadmap to conquer both your entrepreneurial dreams and your weight loss aspirations.


Your journey toward peak performance, health, and weight loss begins with the dawn of each day. Reimagine your morning ritual, and watch as your focus, vitality, and well-being ascend to new pinnacles. The path to being a successful entrepreneur and a healthier, fitter version of yourself starts with this morning ritual. 


Are you ready to embrace this transformation? 

The choice is yours, and the results are boundless. 

The morning ritual is where it all begins.


These steps will help you to create a morning ritual for weight loss and give you the power to be as productive as possible for the rest of your day.

Hey, I’m Coach Brian!

I specialize in fat loss, body composition, and conditioning and have over 20 years of experience as a coach in the health and fitness industry. No gimmicks and fads, just results based on science and thousands of hours of experience. 

You deserve high-level support, which is why I’m willing to hop on a quick, 15-min Reality Check Call with you. On this call, we’ll evaluate the EXACT cause of your weight plateau, and I will give you a very specific, personalised plan for you to implement straight away to help you lose weight and recover or optimise your sexual performance as well.

Article 7:
Top 8 Exercise Strategies for Focused Professionals with Jam-Packed Schedules

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, long hours and high-stress work environments are often the norm. For dedicated professionals like you, striving for success can sometimes mean neglecting your health. But here’s the catch: to truly thrive in your career, maintaining your well-being is absolutely essential. This is where strategic exercise comes into play.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top 8 exercise strategies tailored specifically for busy entrepreneurs like you. These strategies will help you supercharge your energy levels, enhance your focus, and boost your productivity, all while working within your demanding schedule. Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier and more successful you? Let’s dive in!


  1. The Power of Micro-Workouts


Time is of the essence when you’re juggling multiple tasks as an entrepreneur. That’s where micro-workouts come into play. These brief, intense bursts of physical activity can be seamlessly integrated into your day, making them a game-changer for busy professionals.


Try this: Dedicate 5-10 minutes every few hours to perform a series of bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, or planks. Not only will this boost your metabolism, but it will also refresh your mind and increase your energy levels, allowing you to tackle your next challenge with vigor.

(Reference: (2010). Physiological and health implications of a sedentary lifestyle. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism)


  1. Mindful Movement: Yoga or Pilates


For entrepreneurs, a chaotic mind is often an obstacle to peak performance. Yoga and Pilates, ancient practices rooted in mindfulness, can help you regain your focus. These exercises improve flexibility, balance, and mental clarity while calming your nerves.


Consider incorporating a 15-20 minute yoga or pilates session into your daily routine. These exercises will not only enhance your physical well-being but also allow you to approach your work with renewed clarity and composure.


. (Reference: Harvard Health Publishing. (2015). Yoga for anxiety and depression.)

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)


If you’re seeking a workout regimen that provides maximum benefits in minimal time, HIIT is your secret weapon. HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief rest periods. This time-efficient workout can be tailored to your schedule and can be completed in as little as 20-30 minutes.


Why HIIT? It’s been scientifically proven to improve cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, and increase cognitive function. Just a few sessions per week can lead to significant improvements in your overall performance as an entrepreneur.

(Reference: (2012). Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disease. Journal of Physiology)

  1. Outdoor Adventures


Venturing into the great outdoors can be an excellent way to revitalize your body and mind. As an entrepreneur, your work environment is often confined indoors, and a breath of fresh air can work wonders. Activities like hiking, cycling, or even a brisk walk in the park can invigorate your senses and provide mental clarity.


The best part is that these activities can be tailored to your schedule. Whether it’s a quick 30-minute walk during a break or a weekend getaway, spending time in nature will rejuvenate you and help you make better decisions.


  1. Deskercise: Physical Activity at Work


Working long hours at your desk can take a toll on your body, but you can combat this sedentary lifestyle with “deskercise.” These are discreet exercises you can perform right at your workspace without drawing much attention.


Try incorporating the following deskercise routines:

-Treadmill Desk to start walking while working!

-Under the desk bicycle to create more “steps” in your day. 

– Seated leg lifts to improve circulation.

– Shoulder blade squeezes to alleviate tension.

– Wrist stretches to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.


These simple exercises will not only enhance your physical well-being but also keep your mind sharp throughout the workday.


(Reference: Physical Activity Promotion in Business and Industry. American Journal of Preventive Medicine)


  1. Prioritize Posture


Maintaining good posture is often underestimated, but it plays a significant role in your overall health and productivity. Entrepreneurs often find themselves hunched over desks or screens for extended periods, which can lead to a host of physical problems, including back pain and decreased concentration.


Make a conscious effort to maintain proper posture throughout your workday. Invest in an ergonomic chair, adjust your computer setup to eye level, and take regular breaks to stretch and stand up. Improved posture can increase energy levels and mental alertness, helping you stay on top of your game.


(Reference: OSHA. (2000). Ergonomics Program Management Guideline. U.S. Department of Labor)


  1. The Power of Mind-Body Connection: Meditation


Achieving success as an entrepreneur isn’t just about physical health; it’s also about mental resilience. Meditation is a proven method to sharpen your focus and reduce stress levels. Even just a 10-minute daily meditation can significantly impact your well-being.


Meditation apps, such as Headspace or Calm, can guide you through mindfulness exercises tailored to your needs. Regular practice will not only help you remain calm under pressure but also enhance your decision-making abilities.

(Reference: (2010). Examining the Protective Effects of Mindfulness Training on Working Memory Capacity and Affective Experience.)


  1. Accountability and Goal Setting


Last but not least, maintaining a consistent exercise routine as a busy entrepreneur requires accountability and goal setting. Set specific, achievable fitness goals and hold yourself accountable for reaching them. Share your objectives with a friend, family member, or coach who can provide support and encouragement.


Consider joining a fitness class or hiring a personal trainer who can tailor workouts to your needs and help you stay committed. Having a structured approach to your fitness regimen will not only improve your physical health but also boost your productivity and time management skills.


(Reference: (2009). Effective techniques in healthy eating and physical activity interventions: A meta-regression. Health Psychology)




In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, your health and well-being should never be sacrificed for success. In fact, they are your most valuable assets. By integrating these top 8 exercise strategies into your routine, you can supercharge your energy levels, enhance your focus, and ultimately achieve your goals as a focused professional with a demanding schedule.


Remember, your body and mind are your most powerful tools for success. Take the time to invest in yourself, and you’ll find that the benefits extend far beyond the gym or yoga mat. Your newfound vitality and mental clarity will allow you to conquer challenges, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve the entrepreneurial success you’ve always dreamed of.


So, why wait? Start implementing these exercise strategies today, and watch as you unlock your full potential as a focused professional with a bright and healthy future ahead! Your journey to a healthier, more productive you begins now.

Article 8:
Optimize Your Entrepreneurial Journey: 3 Game-Changing Supplements for Success

If you’re an entrepreneur working long hours in a high-stress, demanding environment, your overall well-being is paramount to your ability to thrive. In this article, we’ll explore three powerful supplements that have the potential to elevate your health, nutrition, fitness, and productivity. These aren’t just the latest health trends; they are science-backed solutions designed to empower you on your entrepreneurial path.


Before we dive into the supplements, it’s crucial to recognize their role as enhancers, not substitutes, for a healthy lifestyle. Think of these supplements as the finishing touches that complement the broader elements of well-being, such as exercise, nutrition, quality sleep, and proper hydration. The big rocks come first, and then you refine your journey with these carefully chosen supplements.


Let’s explore the three foundational supplements that can become invaluable assets on your path to success:


  1. Magnesium L-Threonate or Magnesium Glycinate


Magnesium, a vital mineral, participates in over 300 metabolic processes within your body. Surprisingly, many people in the Western world fall short of their daily magnesium requirements. This deficiency can be attributed to depleted soil conditions, exposure to chemicals like fluoride and chlorine, and the impact of excess stress, sugar, and caffeine.


Among the many magnesium forms available, two specific options stand out: Magnesium L-Threonate and Magnesium Glycinate. Researchers suggest that magnesium promotes relaxation, aids in improving sleep quality by calming the nervous system, and facilitates chemical reactions conducive to restful nights. In fact, a study demonstrated that magnesium supplementation improved sleep quality in older adults with insomnia.


These magnesium supplements have also displayed potential in addressing various health concerns, from migraine relief and Alzheimer’s disease symptom management to stroke recovery and anxiety reduction in individuals facing mental stress. If you suspect a magnesium deficiency, consider a blood or urine test and, if necessary, include magnesium supplementation in your daily routine. I recommend the Magtech supplement from Natural Stacks for its quality and effectiveness.

Magnesium Glycinate: The Calming Mineral

  1. Bioavailability: Magnesium glycinate is highly bioavailable, meaning it is readily absorbed by the body. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals looking to boost their magnesium levels efficiently.
  2. Relaxation: Many people turn to magnesium glycinate for its calming effects. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. This form of magnesium is often recommended for promoting relaxation and quality sleep.
  3. Muscle Health: Magnesium glycinate is particularly beneficial for athletes and those with muscle-related issues. It supports muscle function and can help prevent muscle cramps.


Magnesium Threonate: The Brain-Boosting Magnesium

  1. Brain Health: Magnesium threonate has gained attention for its potential benefits on cognitive function. It is believed to cross the blood-brain barrier more effectively than other forms of magnesium, making it a promising choice for brain health.
  2. Memory and Learning: Preliminary studies suggest that magnesium threonate may improve memory and enhance learning abilities. It’s being investigated for its potential role in age-related cognitive decline and neurological disorders.
  3. Nervous System Support: This form of magnesium can also support overall nervous system health, potentially helping with conditions like migraines and anxiety.


Choosing the Right Magnesium for You

  1. Goals and Priorities: Consider your health goals when choosing between magnesium glycinate and magnesium threonate. If you’re primarily looking for relaxation and muscle support, magnesium glycinate may be your best bet. On the other hand, if cognitive health and brain function are your focus, magnesium threonate could be the ideal choice.
  2. Individual Tolerance: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort with certain magnesium supplements. In such cases, magnesium glycinate, known for its gentle effect on the stomach, may be preferred.
  3. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before starting any new supplement, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.


Optimizing Your Magnesium Intake

  1. Dosage: Follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided on the supplement’s label. Dosages can vary depending on the brand and specific product.
  2. Consistency: Consistency is key when taking magnesium supplements. Incorporate them into your daily routine to ensure a steady intake.
  3. Balanced Diet: Remember that while supplements can be helpful, a well-balanced diet rich in magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains is essential for overall health.


  1. Gröber, U., Schmidt, J., & Kisters, K. (2015). Magnesium in prevention and therapy. Nutrients, 7(9), 8199-8226.
  2. Liu, G., Weinger, J. G., Lu, Z. L., Xue, F., & Sadeghpour, S. (2012). Efficacy and safety of MMFS-01, a synapse density enhancer, for treating cognitive impairment in older adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 32(2), 277-286.
  3. Schuchardt, J. P., Hahn, A., & Bioavailability, E. (2012). Bioavailability of magnesium from different magnesium compounds in food supplements. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 26(4), 195-199.
  4. Uwitonze, A. M., & Razzaque, M. S. (2018). Role of magnesium in vitamin D activation and function. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 118(3), 181-189.

  1. Creatine

Creatine is an organic acid that our bodies naturally make, and that we get by eating certain foods — seafood and red meat, in particular. Our bodies store creatine in our muscles so that we have quick access to it for fast, high-intensity movements, like sprinting or weight lifting.

Creatine supplements will help your body produce more energy so you fatigue less during short, high-intensity exercise. Taking creatine will also help you increase muscle mass and strength.

If you want to take creatine as a supplement for bigger and stronger muscles, then the standard protocol is to have a “loading period” where you significantly increase your creatine intake for a few days or weeks. This can prime your muscles to increase the amount of creatine that they hold in their muscles. During the loading period, you generally take 5 g of creatine four times per day, for a max of 20 g a day. After the loading period, you decrease the amount of creatine you take to a ‘maintenance’ level of 3 to 5 g per day

Studies have deemed staying in the range of 3 to 5 g per day for maintenance to be safe for long periods of time.

Other research shows that creatine supplementation helped muscle recover faster and reduced muscle damage after intense exercise. It’s also been shown to help muscles hold more glycogen (stored fuel) than they ordinarily could. 

Here’s a link on where to get some for yourself.


  1. Beta-Alanine


Beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid, plays a vital role in the production of carnosine, a compound stored in your muscles. Carnosine’s function is to reduce the accumulation of lactic acid during exercise, potentially leading to improved athletic performance. The primary benefits of beta-alanine are performance-oriented, making it an excellent choice for boosting endurance, extending time to exhaustion, and enhancing performance in shorter, high-intensity exercises like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).


While beta-alanine is a fantastic addition to endurance activities, it comes with a unique side effect – a tingling sensation on your face. This sensation is harmless, but it’s worth noting. I recommend the Bulk Supplements brand for your beta-alanine supplementation.


In conclusion, as a dedicated entrepreneur striving for peak performance in a high-stress work environment, it’s essential to prioritize your health and overall well-being. Remember that these supplements should complement a solid foundation of healthy lifestyle practices, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep, and proper hydration. Start with the big rocks, and then enhance your journey with these carefully chosen supplements.


By incorporating Magnesium L-Threonate or Magnesium Glycinate, Creatine, and Beta-Alanine into your daily routine, you can unlock the potential for a fitter, healthier version of yourself. As you continue to excel in your entrepreneurial pursuits, always keep in mind that your health is your most valuable asset – an investment well worth making. 


Your’s In Health

Coach Brian

Article 9:
17 critical workout lessons I know in my 40's that I wish I knew in my 20's

#1 – Sleep is the best legal performance enhancing drug on the planet. Sleep helps you recover, removes inflammation, protects your brain, regulates appetite, increases energy, and keeps you young. If you want better results fix your sleeping habits.

Want to optimize your sleep? Here’s a free report on the sleep protocol​ we use with our clients. Grab it at the link for free.

#2 – Form is more important than how much weight you lift. You’re not trying to lift more weight. You’re trying to build more muscle. This requires you to focus on using a good form that targets the muscle in the most effective way. No one cares about how much you lift. Leave your ego at the door.

#3 – The best workout supplements on the planet are whey protein and creatine. They have been thoroughly researched and have been proven to help build muscle. Here’s the whey protein​ I recommend and the creatine​ I recommend.

#4 – Whatever you deem important make sure you do it first. This means if you prioritize gaining muscle you want to lift weights before cardio. Or if you prioritize cardio you want to do cardio before lifting weights. Do whatever is most important first.

#5 – Self-massage, mobility stretches & muscle activation bulletproof your body from injury. These should be staples in everyone’s warm-up. It doesn’t have to be long either. 6 minutes before a workout is all you need to prep your body for a great workout ahead.

Here’s a thread I did on how to warm up properly:


#6 – One of the best ways to increase strength & muscle mass is to use the “mind to muscle” connection. An example would be thinking about using your bicep contracting when doing a bicep curl. The mind is the greatest asset in the gym because it actively recruits your muscles to be utilized in the workout.

It’s not enough to lift. You must mentally activate your muscles.

#7 – The most important aspect of your training is the intensity you bring to your workout. Don’t just go through the motions. The more focus & intensity you can bring the better your results will be.

#8 – The best tempo to use when lifting is 2 to 4 seconds up & 4 to 6 seconds down. You want to control your lifts to get full contraction of the muscle. Time under tension is one of the best ways to maximize muscle growth as well as avoid injury.

#9 – Protein is the most anabolic & thermogenic macro. If your goal is to build muscle you want to eat .8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Ideally, you want this from foods but you can supplement if you don’t get enough.

#10 – Do the same workouts. You will get much better results by doing the same workout over the course of 12 weeks than by changing your workouts every day. What you’re aiming for is progressively getting stronger or doing more volume.

This is what we call progressive overload:


#11 – After your workout do 5 minutes of box breathing. This puts your body in a parasympathetic state & promotes faster recovery. Here’s how to do box breathing:

  • Breathe through your nose counting to four.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  • Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds.

Repeat for 4-8 rounds or until you feel calm.

#11 – Stop comparing your body to movie stars or social media influencers. What you see on social media is the extremes of fitness. You would be surprised at how many of them are taking steroids to maintain their physique and the number of influencers dealing with body dysmorphia.

Social media has really f*cked up our health, and I discuss it in this video​.

#12 – Drink water with electrolytes to stay properly hydrated during a workout. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it removes heat from the body, but you also lose body fluid.

You need to drink fluid during exercise to replace the fluids you lose when you sweat but not just any fluid. You want some sodium, potassium & magnesium in there to replenish your electrolytes.

You can add some high-quality sea salt to your water or use an electrolyte pack like ​LMNT​ or ​Redman’s​.

#13 – The best exercises are not exercises. They are movements. Here are the moves that should be a part of most workout programs:

Squat, hinge, horizontal press, vertical press, horizontal pull, vertical pull, carry & lunge.

Apply these to #10 and you’ll get amazing results.

#14 – Recovery is just as important as your workout. You’re not building muscle when you lift, you’re breaking it down. It is in recovery that you repair and build muscle. The best type of recovery? Sleep and walking.

Deep sleep helps your body recover and remove inflammation.

Walking low impact and sends blood flow to the areas of the body to speed recovery.

#15 – The people who get the best results walk in with a plan and track their workouts. It could be the ​Lean Body 90​ or some other program but you want to have a plan when you walk in. You don’t want to be guessing when you hit the gym. You want to work on the plan while tracking your progress.

#16 – You will never be able to out-exercise a shitty diet. In fact, when you marry your diet and exercise together you will not only see amazing results but you’ll feel more energetic and alive than ever.

#17 – Invest in yourself and get a coach​. I’ve invested more than 100k of my own money for various coaches in my life. Coaches help you get to your goal in the fastest most effective way possible. Invest in yourself. You will never regret it.

Final Thoughts

I’ve been working out for  years & coaching for 18 of them. These are the lessons I’d tell myself if I could do it all over again.

Since I don’t have a time machine the least I can do is impart these lessons to you in hopes you use them to your advantage.

Print this list off and internalize it the next time you’re in the gym.

– Coach Brian

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape in 2023?
Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.​​​

Article 10:
What’s the biggest nutrition challenge for business leaders?

More than 60 percent of new clients list emotional / stress eating as their top nutrition challenge. 

Plus, over 50 percent say they also “get intense cravings” and “snack when not hungry.”

While stress eating feels unpredictable, it usually isn’t.

Emotional eating and intense cravings are typically triggered by a specific thought, feeling, and/or situation.

For example, maybe your client stress eats…

  • Every time their mom calls.
  • On Sunday nights, when they’re dreading the start of a new week.
  • Whenever they see, smell, or hear something that reminds them of their ex.

Understanding these patterns and triggers are important—because if you can identify the trigger, you can disrupt the pattern of behavior and make different choices.

We call this “breaking the chain”.

To help clients disrupt stress eating habits and identify their triggers, try our Break The Chain Worksheet.

Clients can use this worksheet any time they have an episode of eating that feels stressful, upsetting, or unwanted. In this exercise, they’ll be invited to reflect on the following:

▶️ What happened before the event took place?

▶️ What happened even earlier?

▶️ Are there any patterns?

▶️ Can you come up with any possible solutions or steps to disrupt those patterns?

This exercise can help clients gain insight into their eating habits, and develop ideas about how to change them. 

Although it can take time to find solutions, awareness is the first step. Over time, this can lead to quantifiable behavior change.

Good coaching isn’t so much about “having all the answers” as it is about helping clients discover their own answers.

Article 11:
Navigating the Health Landscape: Vital Insights for Entrepreneurs


Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey demands resilience, but success often comes at a cost – the well-being of entrepreneurs. Launching a business involves relentless effort, countless decisions, and elevated stress levels. Beyond the surface of healthy eating and exercise, entrepreneurs grapple with chronic sleep deprivation and inhumane stress, paving the way for severe physical and mental health challenges.

The Physical Toll:

Heart disease looms large in the landscape of health challenges for entrepreneurs, with research linking long working hours directly to an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. The typical entrepreneur, working extensive hours, faces a heightened susceptibility to heart disease.

The Mental Strain:

Entrepreneurs face a higher likelihood of mental health conditions, with statistics revealing elevated rates of depression, bipolar disorder, addiction, and ADHD compared to the general population. Chronic stress, an inevitable companion on the entrepreneurial journey, contributes to sleep disorders, further exacerbating the mental health toll.

Special Challenges:

Entrepreneurship, though celebrated, subjects founders to unique health challenges. Sleep deprivation, often dismissed in a culture that equates rest with idleness, is linked to serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes. A good night’s sleep emerges as a crucial pillar for health, complementing a healthy diet, relaxation, and exercise.

Chronic Stress:

Success in entrepreneurship breeds its own stress, with the weight of responsibility increasing alongside achievements. Chronic stress, both physically and mentally debilitating, manifests in a range of issues from headaches to heart problems. The toll extends to relationships, compounding the struggles entrepreneurs face.

Strategies for Stress Release:

Acknowledging the relentless stress, here are quick, effective stress releases for entrepreneurs:

  1. Step outside, feel the sun, and breathe in the air.
  2. Take a short walk in the neighborhood.
  3. Read a few jokes or call an uplifting friend.
  4. List ten things you’re grateful for.
  5. Listen to upbeat music.
  6. Do a simple chore for a sense of achievement.
  7. Incorporate stretches into your routine.
  8. Share a hug.
  9. Spend quiet time alone, thinking about nothing at all.

Unhealthy Passion:

Entrepreneurs often intertwine their identity with their ventures, blurring the lines between harmonious and obsessive passion. Those excessively passionate may risk burnout, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to work and life.

Social Isolation:

Entrepreneurship’s solitary nature, especially in the initial stages, leads to self-imposed isolation. This withdrawal from social connections carries the risk of loneliness, impacting both physical and mental health. Experienced entrepreneurs advise sharing struggles with others, dispelling the myth that no one understands.

The Pressure to Appear in Control:

Maintaining an image of invincibility is a common expectation for entrepreneurs, especially during fundraising. However, impression management can be detrimental if it masks underlying mental health concerns or self-doubt.

Mental Health Struggles:

Successful entrepreneurs often grapple with mental health disorders at higher rates than the general population. While these traits may contribute to entrepreneurial success, the predisposition to mental health issues is exacerbated by the demanding and unconventional entrepreneurial lifestyle.


Navigating the entrepreneurial journey demands a nuanced approach to health. Acknowledging the challenges and adopting strategies for well-being is not only essential for personal health but also for the sustained success of any business venture. Entrepreneurs, take heed – prioritizing your health is an investment in the longevity and prosperity of your entrepreneurial journey.